06 Apr The Cost of Plastic Surgery in Seoul
Do you ever think about getting some plastic surgery done? More and more people in countries like China, Japan, and the United States are traveling to South Korea to get cosmetic procedures done. South Korea has highly reputable facilities, surgeons, and it is more cost effective. However, before purchasing your plane ticket to Seoul and jetting off to South Korea, here are some questions you want to ask:
Questions you Should Ask Yourself Before Going to Korea for Plastic Surgery
1. Is the plastic surgery suitable for my current face/body?
Note that South Koreans look completely different to westerners. Their face shape is different and they are generally smaller. In Korea the most popular surgeries are: double eyelids (that make your eyes larger and rounder), nose bridge, fair skin and a slim chin line. These are the surgeries that are done all the time. So, the surgeon you choose must be experienced in performing surgeries on foreigners and familiar with their body types.
2. Where is the best surgeon for my type of surgery?
If you visit Seoul you will see that the streets are covered with ads of plastic surgeries. There are hundreds of clinics to choose from. The best for you will have to be determined by the type of surgery you want, the surgeon’s professional experience and the surgeries he has performed in the past. The best website I have found so far to help you find the right surgeon is Seoul Touch Up. They feature interesting blog posts and also help foreigners to organize their plastic surgery trips.
3. Do I have any medical conditions that would make my surgery difficult or would endanger my life?
This is one of the most important question. Please have a check-up with your family doctor first. Even if you think you are healthy. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Please also remember to stop smoking and drinking three weeks before your surgery, and stop taking the following medications two weeks before: Ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory drugs, medications for menstruation pains, hormonal agents, contraceptives and aspirin.
Have you asked all the right questions? Now that you are sure this is what you want, it is time to look at prices. The Korea Medical Hub published a chart showcasing the minimum and maximum costs of several different operations. Click on the following chart to see more prices for the different types of plastic surgery costs:
As you can see not why some people have opted to go abroad for their plastic surgery operations. Plastic surgery in Seoul cost less while the quality of their medical surgeons and clinics are world renowned.
Seoul Cosmetic Surgery Connects Patients With Qualified Surgeons
Both patients and top rated surgeons trust our medical tourism agency. Therefore, we strive to bring together our clients with the best Korean medical practice and clinics. Our doctors are pioneers of numerous surgical treatments like transplants, body contour, skin and more.
Furthermore, Korea is home to premier plastic and cosmetic surgery clinics. Whatever your beauty goals are, we’ll make it a reality. Get in touch with us today.
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