Special Cosmetic Procedures in Seoul

Special Procedures

Additionally, at SCS we offer a variety of special procedures to meet your every need and want. If you do not see the procedure or surgery you are looking for on our site — don’t worry! Just contact us about what you are looking for and we will help connect you with the hospitals and doctors you’re looking for. In fact, Seoul is a hub for medical technology and innovation. So chances are we are already in contact with a clinic or hospital that can perform the procedure you’re looking for! Indeed, we want you to have every need fulfilled when you come to Korea! So don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t see what you’re looking for! We will help you achieve all your goals and allow you to relax while we do it! So book a free consultation with us today!

Curated Just For You!

In the same way we aim to curate your travel and tour options, at SCS we want to curate your procedures as well.
That is to say, we want you receiving the quality cosmetic or medical procedures you most desire. So during your free consultation with us, simply let us know exactly all that you’re looking to accomplish while in Korea. From what sites you want to visit, to the procedures you wish to have done, we want you to have it all!
Indeed, just let us know what kinds of special treatments you wish to have done. Then we will find the best physicians and clinics to connect you with here in Korea. So don’t hesitate to book a free consultation with us. And learn more about the special procedures you can have done on your next medical trip to Korea! Examples of special procedures we offer include:


    • Facial Feminization
    • Bariatric Surgery
    • And many more!
Book Your Consultation
doctor holding patients hand for special procedures